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Tumama Kids
سلسلة ألعاب الحمام
السلسلة المعرفية
سلسلة الموسيقى والضوء
سلسلة اللعب التفاعلية
سلسلة النوم والاسترخاء
سلسلة مهدئة
About Tumama Kids
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0.00 SR
سلسلة ألعاب الحمام
السلسلة المعرفية
سلسلة الموسيقى والضوء
سلسلة اللعب التفاعلية
سلسلة النوم والاسترخاء
سلسلة مهدئة
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لعبة سيارة مكدسة مع مفرش لعب، لعبة شاحنات تعليمية لتوازن المكدس، تلعب المركبات مع بساط نشاط للأطفال الصغار بعمر 6 أشهر فما فوق
140.77 SAR
165.62 SAR
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رقم المنتج:
Type: ألعاب التراص
Tags: 0-12 Months, 12-18 Months
سياسة الشحن
سياسة العائدات
All the parts fit into the little bag which converts into a little map for the kids to drive the cars on. Makes for a great little toy ro take with, to the grandparents or wherever. You might go where there may not be toys. Got this for my grandson because he goes back and forth from mom to dad, and having some sense of continuity/familiarity is important to him.
Nay Family
These are adorable cars with cute faces on them. I love how the playmat will fold up and become a tote bag to carry on trips or on visits. My only concern is that some of the pieces detach and could be a choking hazard for toddlers. Some of the plastic pieces have burrs on them that could scratch a child. It's a good toy but I don't think it will last through the years. The plastic is flimsy, not so durable. The good thing about the playmat is that it will last and you will always have a tote for other cars or toys.
Chris Fried @ The Indie Athenaeum
This set comes with nine different toy vehicles and one carry bag. The sides of the bag are velcroed together and when you unfasten them, it forms a playmat that looks like the streets in a town. Kids can run the cars along the streets on the brightly colored playmat.The cars themselves are brightly colored too and are enticing enough to catch a kid's attention and make them want to grab one and play. Each car makes a sound when you grab it and crunch it in your hands. Each one makes a different sound that either rattles, squeaks, or crinkles. This keeps the kids engaged in interested in playing with them more, just for the fun sounds they make.These cars feel soft to the touch and completely squishable, as they don't have anything solid inside of them. They are very lightweight and when you are ready to travel, you can just velcro the bag back up, put all nine cars inside of it, and go – it's great for travel and easy to transport.Overall, this is a great toy for toddlers aged one and up. It will keep them interested and engaged in playing for a long time.
المنتجات ذات الصلة
لعبة أطفال بصرية باللونين الأبيض والأسود، خشخيشات معلقة من القطيفة، عربة أطفال على شكل بومة وبومة وبطريق ونحلة للأطفال حديثي الولادة من عمر 0 أشهر فما فوق
129.81 SAR
110.32 SAR
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أبيض وأسود عالي التباين ألعاب الأطفال مرآة وقت البطن مجموعة كتب خشخشة قطيفة، مقعد السيارة عربة الأطفال لعبة معلقة لحديثي الولادة 0 شهر +
0.00 SAR
106.52 SAR
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كتب قماشية ناعمة، كتب مبهجة عالية التباين، كتب ناعمة باللونين الأبيض والأسود
41.82 SAR
ألعاب معلقة للأطفال، مجموعة ألعاب عربة الأطفال المصنوعة من القطيفة على شكل زرافة وحمار وحشي وخشخشة وتصدر أصواتًا لمقعد السيارة
71.58 SAR
60.85 SAR
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