Black and white high-contrast Color Versatile 2-in-1 Baby Arch and Spiral Toy Set – Perfect for Playtime and Travel.
Designed to attach to strollers, car seats, playpens, and cribs, it stimulates sensory development and hand-eye coordination.
Designed to attach to strollers, car seats, playpens, and cribs, Lightweight, baby-safe, and travel-friendly.
High-contrast black and white colors baby arch with spiral toy set
Video shows baby playing with High Contrast Baby Arch Toy & Spiral Car Seat Toys 2 in 1 Set

高對比嬰兒拱形玩具和螺旋汽車座椅玩具 2 合 1 套裝

Vendor: Tumama Kids
產品編號: TM335
Type: 嬰兒活動玩具
Tags: 0-12 Months, 0-6 Months

baby in a stroller with high-contrast animal toys (fox, tiger, penguin) attached to an arch for visual and sensory stimulation.A baby sits in a crib with an arch of high-contrast animal toys, including a fox, tiger, and penguin, designed for visual and sensory stimulation.High-contrast animal toys (fox, tiger, penguin) attached to an arch, adaptable for various baby gear, providing care and comfort.A baby in a stroller with high-contrast animal toys (fox, tiger, penguin) on an arch, promoting independent play and self-discovery.A baby in a car seat with high-contrast animal toys (fox, tiger, penguin) on an arch.This two-in-one product package is washable and easy to clean without fadingArch toy clips into the cribThis spiral activity toy is fully filled with polyester and is safe and reliable.The plush toys of this spiral activity toy can be disassembled and freely assembled.Spiral Car Seat Toys with high contrast color designThe Spiral Car Seat Toys are easy to install.Spiral toys easily attached strollers, car seats,playpens or cribsSpiral Car Seat Toys Safe material and soft touch Offer entertainment and soothing effectsHigh Contrast Baby Arch Toy & Spiral Car Seat Toys 2 in 1 Set Installation stepsHigh Contrast Baby Arch Toy & Spiral Car Seat Toys 2 in 1 Set Product parametersHigh Contrast Baby Arch Toy & Spiral Car Seat Toys 2 in 1 Set Product packaging

1. 多功能二合一嬰兒拱門和螺旋玩具組:這款多功能套裝包含高對比黑白嬰兒拱門和螺旋活動玩具。它設計用於輕鬆連接到嬰兒車、汽車座椅、嬰兒圍欄和嬰兒床上,提供娛樂和發展益處,使其成為外出父母和在家玩耍的理想伴侶。

2. 促進早期發展:此套裝採用內建聲音設備的引人入勝的懸掛玩具,鼓勵嬰兒伸手、抓握和互動。鮮豔的色彩、有趣的形狀和噪音產生器的結合支持視覺、聽覺和觸覺刺激,有助於精細運動技能和感官意識的發展。

3. 內建聲音的可愛動物角色:懸掛玩具包括三個可愛的動物夥伴:內建 BB 吱吱聲的企鵝、帶有撥浪鼓的老虎以及同時配備 BB 裝置和珠子的猴子。這些互動元素提供無盡的娛樂,同時培養寶寶的好奇心和探索能力。

4. 安全、耐用、精心設計:這套套裝採用精美的刺繡和精確的縫線製成,採用柔軟的嬰兒安全材料製成,完全填充聚酯纖維,倍感舒適。這些玩具觸感溫和,可確保寶寶在玩耍時的安全,同時提供舒緩的觸覺體驗。

5. 易於維護和安裝在任何地方:螺旋玩具專為方便而設計,可輕鬆安裝到各種嬰兒用品上,包括嬰兒車、汽車座椅和嬰兒床。它們還可以清洗且防褪色,讓父母可以輕鬆保持它們清潔清新,以便長期使用。
