Colorful baby sensory toy designed as a plush otter in caterpillar form. The toy features a brown otter head with cute facial details at one end and a tail at the other, with five colorful textured segments in between. Each segment has different patterns and fabrics: pink with small circles, striped, multicolored squares, green with dots, and a blue whale head attachment. Yellow leaf-shaped teethers hang from the toy.
A joyful baby in light blue ribbed clothing lies on a cream-colored quilted surface, happily playing with a soft sensory otter toy. The plush toy features a caterpillar-like design with a brown otter head with cute facial features at one end and a tail at the other. Between them are five colorful textured segments in different patterns: striped, pink with circles, multicolored squares, and green with dots. Attached to the toy are a blue whale teether and a yellow leaf-shaped teether. Text overlay at the top
A toddler in light gray ribbed clothing sits on a cream-colored carpet, engaging with a multifunctional otter sensory toy. The child is pulling on the blue whale teether that extends on a coiled cord from the toy's body. The plush toy features a cute brown otter head with whiskers and eyes on one end, and a tail on the other, with five colorful segments in between (green dotted, multicolored squares, pink with circles, and striped patterns). Yellow leaf-shaped teethers hang from the toy. Text overlay at the
Detailed product showcase of a multi-sensory otter toy displayed on a beige surface against a soft knitted background. The title 'Multi-sensory stimulation' appears at the top. The main image shows the full toy with a cute brown otter head featuring embroidered whiskers and eyes at one end, a tail at the other, and five colorful textured segments in between (striped, pink with circles, multicolored squares, and green dots).
A promotional image featuring multiple uses of a multifunctional otter sensory toy for baby development. The layout includes a large main image on the left showing a baby in light blue ribbed clothing cuddling the plush otter toy while lying on a cream textured surface.
Four smaller detailed insets highlight specific features: 'Whale with texture' shows the blue corduroy-textured whale attachment; 'Crinkle paper' displays the multicolored square pattern fabric that makes crinkling sounds; 'Soft plush' showcases the otter's plush head material; and 'Bright colors' highlights the striped and patterned fabric sections with vibrant blue, orange and green colors.
A smiling baby in light blue ribbed pajamas lies on a cream-colored crib mattress, hugging the soft otter sensory toy that doubles as a measuring tool. The toy is stretched out alongside the baby, showing its full length with measurement indicators clearly visible on the underside. The plush toy features a brown otter head at one end and colorful segments between, with measurement markings ranging up to 40cm as indicated by text at the bottom of the image. The blue whale teether is visible with a zigzag lin
Video shows baby playing with multi-functional otter-shaped sensory toy, featuring a cute blue whale teether and green leaf-shaped teether attachment. Toy is made of colorful fabric segments and includes a brown plush head, multi-color patterned body and tail.


¥3,763 JPY
¥4,516 JPY
製品番号: TM490
Type: Stuffed Animals
Tags: 0-12 Months, 0-6 Months


Caterpillar の歯固めと感覚玩具は、赤ちゃんの感覚を刺激するように設計された、柔らかくて豪華なおもちゃです。パリパリとした生地、歯固めの緩和、ガラガラ音、質感のある表面など、視覚、聴覚、触覚の発達をサポートする多感覚刺激を提供します。落ち着かせたり、遊んだり、探索したりするのに最適です。


このおもちゃは、長さの目盛りが付いた測定ツールとしても機能し、最大 40cm まで赤ちゃんの成長を追跡できます。クジラを引っ張ると振動が起こり、つかむ、引っ張る、探索する能力が養われます。好奇心と運動能力を促進する楽しくインタラクティブな方法です。


このおもちゃは、無毒で赤ちゃんに安全な素材 (ABS、TPE、100% ポリエステルの生地と詰め物) で作られており、柔らかくて耐久性があり、色褪せることなく洗えます。かわいいカワウソのデザインと明るい色が赤ちゃんの注目を集め、柔らかい詰め物が安心感と快適さを提供します。


  • 年: 000万以上
  • 材料: ABS、TPE、生地:ポリエステル100%、詰め物:ポリエステル100%
  • 重さ: 305G
  • 寸法: 20.9インチ(長さ)×3.5インチ(幅)

A promotional image of a baby in light blue ribbed clothing lying on a cream quilted surface, joyfully playing with a multifunctional sensory otter toy. The baby is smiling while reaching up to grasp the blue whale teether attached to the toy.A young child in light gray ribbed clothing sits on a cream-colored floor playing with a multifunctional otter sensory toy. The child is focused on pulling the blue whale teether attachment, which has a zigzag line indicating it creates vibration when pulled.The child is smiling while playing with the otter sensory toy, which is flipped to display its measuring tape feature. The measurement markers are visible along the connected segments of the toy, demonstrating how it can be used to track the baby's growth over time.The main image displays the full toy with its brown otter head, colorful segmented body (striped, pink with circles, multicolored squares, and green spotted sections), and brown tail. The image effectively illustrates all the interactive sensory elements of the toy designed to stimulate baby's development through multiple senses.The images show the versatility of the toy - from sleep companion to developmental tool - with the colorful segmented otter design visible throughout.A detailed close-up product image of the sensory otter toy with text at the top reading 'The soft filled in, cuddly otter design provides a sense of security and comfort.The image effectively showcases the toy's appealing design elements while emphasizing the interactive pull feature of the whale attachment that activates the vibration mechanism, specifically designed to capture an infant's attention and encourage sensory exploration.A close-up image of the sensory otter toy lying on a cream-colored surface.A baby with light brown hair wearing a soft ribbed gray outfit, focused on playing with something off-camera (likely the otter sensory toy).On the left side of the image are two circular information icons with text: Tactile stimulation Non-toxic materialsCaterpillar Teething and Sensory Toy Baby Soft Plush Toy with Multi-Sensory Crinkle,  Teething, Rattle & TexturesWashable without fadeCaterpillar Teething and Sensory Toy Baby Soft Plush Toy Product ParametersCaterpillar Teething and Sensory Toy Baby Soft Plush Toy Product Package

1. 多感覚発達玩具: 当社の高級キャタピラー歯固め玩具は、1 つの愛らしいデザインに 6 つの異なる感覚体験を特徴としています。歯茎を楽にする魚の形をしたシリコン製歯固め、聴覚刺激のためのしわのある生地、引っ張ると作動する振動モーター、内蔵のガラガラ、握れる BB サウンド モジュール、複数の触覚テクスチャです。各機能は、赤ちゃんの重要な最初の数か月間に発達する感覚を戦略的に刺激します。

2. 成長測定ツール: 通常のおもちゃとは異なり、この 20.9 インチのぬいぐるみの毛虫は、最大 40 cm までの長さが明確に表示される便利な成長トラッカーとしても機能します。遊びと実用的な子育てサポートを組み合わせたこの機能的な記念品で、赤ちゃんの大切な成長を記録しましょう。重要な発達段階を楽しい方法で記録するのに最適です。

3. 最高級の安全素材: 100% ポリエステル生地と詰め物、無毒の ABS プラスチック、赤ちゃんに安全な TPE 歯固め表面など、最高品質の素材のみを使用して作られています。各コンポーネントは国際安全基準を満たしているか上回っており、色あせることなく完全に洗濯でき、新生児や 0 か月以上の乳児の繊細なニーズに合わせて特別に設計されています。

4. 複数の発達段階をサポートするよう、考え抜かれた設計: 明るい対照的な色彩が視覚の発達を促進し、多様な質感が触覚認識を向上させ、インタラクティブな要素が因果関係の学習を促進し、握りやすいデザインが物を掴むスキルを促し、柔らかいプラッシュボディが腹ばいの時間、お昼寝、またはサポート枕として快適さを提供します。

5. 新生児へのプレゼントに最適: 鮮やかな色のディテールが施された愛らしいカワウソのデザインは、赤ちゃんの注意を瞬時に引き付け、何時間も夢中にさせます。歯が生える時期の緩和、感覚刺激、抱き心地の良さが組み合わさったこの商品は、ベビーシャワー、新生児、乳児に最適なプレゼントです。赤ちゃんと一緒にさまざまな発達段階を経て成長する万能な仲間です。
