Black and white toy animal arch for versatile use in bassinet, car seat, crib
Visual black and white toy for infants with stroller arch and animal characters
Portable baby mobile with travel activity arch for bassinet and car seat
Baby high contrast stroller arch toy with butterfly, elephant, owl for visual stimulation

嬰兒車、床、椅 毛絨床夾玩具 - 黑&白視覺

產品編號: TM330
Type: 嬰幼兒活動玩具
Tags: 0-12 Months, 0-6 Months

Car seat travel activity arch with butterfly elephant owl for infants Visual black and white toy for babies with stroller arch and animal characters Baby stroller arch featuring portable mobile for bassinet car seat Portable baby mobile with black and white butterfly elephant owl for travel Travel activity arch toy for infants with visual black and white elements Stroller arch toy with butterfly elephant owl for portable baby play Black and white animal arch for bassinet car seat crib mobile Visual black and white toy with stroller arch for babies_ entertainment Portable baby mobile featuring butterfly elephant owl for on the go play Car seat travel activity arch with black and white animal characters Stroller arch toy with visual black and white butterfly elephant owl for infants Portable mobile for bassinet with travel activity arch for versatile use Black and white toy for babies with stroller arch and animal friends Baby stroller arch featuring portable baby mobile with butterfly elephant owl Travel activity arch toy with visual black and white elements for infants Stroller arch toy with butterfly elephant owl for on the go entertainment Portable baby mobile for bassinet car seat with black and white animal arch Car seat travel activity arch with visual black and white toy for babies Stroller arch featuring butterfly elephant owl for portable baby playtime

1. 嬰兒動物懸掛玩具組:嬰兒推車拱形玩具組配有1 件蝴蝶懸掛撥浪鼓,附音樂和牙膠。牙膠。每邊 2 個靈活夾子。多種活動促進寶寶發育。幫助寶寶與聲音和視覺互動。


3. 可拆卸設計:嬰兒車玩具和嬰兒車玩具,帶有 3 個吱吱作響的毛絨連接玩具, 可拆卸的動物掛飾不僅可以掛在嬰兒車拱形玩具上,還可以拆下來單獨掛在嬰兒車等地方。

4. 最佳早期發展玩具:提供寶寶充足的活動供他觀看、感受和抓握。 有趣的吱吱聲可供寶寶探索和發現。 黑白嬰兒車活動玩具不僅能吸引寶寶的注意力,還能鍛鍊寶寶的色彩和動物認知能力、手眼協調能力、抓握能力和感官認知能力。

5. 應用廣泛:一款有趣的嬰兒車玩具,讓您的孩子在家中或旅途中隨時隨地玩耍。每側的夾子使其使用更加靈活。它可以在室內和室外使用。
