Infant-friendly tiger and duck black and white hanging toy for cribs
High contrast black and white hanging toy for newborns' visual stimulation
Black and white crinkle flashcards for crib, car seat, and stroller entertainment
Hanging tiger and duck high contrast toy for infant's sensory development

新生兒 黑色&白視覺激發 毛絨套裝

產品編號: TM452-RP
Type: 嬰兒床鈴/掛鈴
Tags: 0-12 Months, 0-6 Months

Crinkle flashcards for interactive play in crib car seat and stroller Hanging tiger and duck toy for sensory experiences in infants Visual stimulation with high contrast hanging toy for babies Crib car seat and stroller play with black and white toy Infant_s tiger and duck toy for cognitive development High contrast hanging toy for newborns_ visual delight Crinkle flashcards for sensory engagement in car seats Hanging tiger and duck toy for visual exploration in cribs Flashcards with high contrast patterns for infant play Baby_s black and white hanging toy with tiger and duck Crib car seat and stroller entertainment with hanging toy High contrast crinkle flashcards for baby_s cognitive stimulation Tiger and duck toy for visual development in infants Hanging toy with black and white patterns for newborns Crinkle flashcards for sensory play in crib car seat and stroller High contrast tiger and duck hanging toy for infants Infant_s crib car seat and stroller toy with flashcards Visual stimulation with black and white hanging toy Hanging tiger and duck toy for stroller playtime High contrast baby toy with crinkle flashcards Black and white flashcards for car seat engagement

1. 視覺刺激:使用我們的黑白懸掛玩具套裝,將您的孩子帶入一個充滿奇蹟和發現的世界,該玩具套裝旨在從第一天起刺激視覺和觸覺發育!這套裝中的每件作品都裝飾有高對比度的黑白圖案,事實證明可以吸引嬰兒的注意力並促進視覺發展。

2. 觸覺探索:寶寶會喜歡伸手觸摸皺紋抽認卡、懸掛老虎和鴨子玩具上的不同紋理。每次觸摸都會促進感官發展和精細運動技能,使遊戲時間既有趣又具有教育意義。

3. 多功能懸吊機構:這些玩具配有堅固的夾子,可以輕鬆固定在汽車座椅、嬰兒車或嬰兒床上。無論您是在家還是在路上,只需一個剪輯即可將任何空間變成一個有趣的環境!

4. 聽覺享受:老虎和鴨子玩具中的皺紋抽認卡和內置撥浪鼓發出的輕柔的沙沙聲會引起寶寶的耳朵的興趣。每個動作都會發出聲音,增強聽覺發育,同時為您的孩子帶來歡樂。

5. 安全第一:每個玩具均採用柔軟耐用的材質製成,不含有害化學物質,確保嬰兒可以安全地觸摸、拉扯、咬合。易於清潔 - 每次冒險遊戲後只需用濕布擦拭即可!
