
Best Toys and Gifts to Support Baby’s Development from 0-6 Months
Playtime isn’t just about fun—it’s essential for your baby’s growth and development. The right toys not only entertain but also support your infant’s early milestones. From stimulating their senses to building their motor skills, baby development toys play a crucial role in this exciting stage of life.

Although it may seem like your newborn spends most of their time sleeping, eating, and crying, there’s a lot more happening beneath the surface. Their brain is developing at an extraordinary pace  , and the interactions they have with their environment—especially through play—help shape their future abilities. Providing a safe play space and introducing age-appropriate infant toys can encourage exploration, build strength, and foster learning.

Here’s our guide to the best toys for newborns and young babies, including recommendations for small toys for babies, great toys for newborns, and the best toys for 6-month-old babies.

Best Toys for Tummy Time

Tummy time is a foundational activity for babies between 0-2 months. It strengthens their neck, core, and arm muscles, preparing them for milestones like rolling and crawling. While some babies may resist tummy time initially, having the right toys can make the experience more enjoyable and engaging.

Activity gyms are an excellent choice, providing a soft, safe surface for exploration. Look for gyms with crib toys   and    your baby’s attention. Mirrors are particularly effective at encouraging visual tracking and self-recognition. Pairing tummy time with small toys for babies, such as textured balls or crinkle fabric items, adds an extra layer of sensory stimulation.

Best Toys for Hand-Eye Coordination

Around 2-4 months, your baby will discover their hands and begin experimenting with reaching, grasping, and shaking. This is a perfect time to introduce toys that develop hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Toys with bright colors, high-contrast patterns , and engaging textures are ideal for this stage.

Consider rattles, teething rings, and soft grab toys that are easy for little hands to hold. These items not only encourage movement but also support depth perception as babies learn to reach for and manipulate objects. Many of these baby development toys double as teething aids, offering soothing relief during this exploratory phase.


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Best Toys for On-the-Go Entertainment

As your baby grows, they’ll become more alert and curious about the world around them. By the four-month mark, many parents feel ready to venture out with their little one. Having portable toys on hand makes outings more enjoyable for both you and your baby.

Look for clip-on toys that can easily attach to strollers or car seats . These toys often feature vibrant colors, mirrors, and playful sounds to keep your baby entertained during trips. Whether you’re running errands or taking a stroll, having the right infant toy can transform a simple outing into a delightful sensory experience.

Always remember to remove toys from car seats before driving for your baby’s safety.

Providing the right baby development toys during your child’s first six months can support their physical, cognitive, and sensory growth. From tummy time mats to soft books and travel-friendly toys, every item you choose can help your baby reach developmental milestones while having fun. Explore these great toys for newborns and the best toys for 6-month-old babies to create meaningful play moments that nurture your baby’s curiosity and joy.

For more insights on early development, check out brain development resources and the importance of play .
シャーロット・テイラーは Tumamaのアシスタント編集者で、幼児期の発達と周産期に対する情熱に加え、2 人の子供の母親としての経験を Tumama の記事やガイドに活かしています。彼女は認定授乳カウンセラーでもあります。元幼稚園教諭。絵本、猫、植物、ものづくりが大好き。



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